
The DKSJRCL Archives

Welcome to the Jungle

This is a place where you will find learning resources for advanced high school courses, mostly AP subjects, in addition to a whole lot of other fun, fun stuff. It is supposed to be maintained by and for students at Dominican International School Taipei (warning: cringe), but anyone else are highly encouraged to participate. It would make us very happy.

We're always under construction and adding new material, so be sure to bookmark this page and compulsively refresh it for updates!

"Frequently" Asked Questions

I've got some really great resources and stuff. Can I submit them for inclusion here?

Well, aren't you kind! We highly encourage sharing your resources with the community here. Currently, the best way to do this is through that chatbox (right over there! ---->) since site traffic is low. If more people start visiting, we'll switch to email as our main communication medium.

What's a "DKSJRCL"?

"DKSJRCL", formally known to us as the Heptagrammaton, is an acronym consisting of the first letters of the names of the seven people in the Community Service Project group responsible for this website. Though our theology forbids us from explicitly vocalizing the Heptagrammaton, its conventional pronunciation among the secular sounds something along the lines of "DIX-jerkle".

Why did you do this?

Lots of educational sites are really, really, really bad. Sites like Chegg,, Byju's, Fiveable, and countless other low-quality borderline-scam sites cynically harness student desperation to make bucketloads of money off of ads, paywalls, and terrible subscription services, and it can be frustrating to see them populate the tops of search engine results when you're looking for actually useful information. So, we've created a big ol' index of actually useful pages and resources to help you on your journey to high scores and whatever.

Also, we just wanted a website that acknowledged that the education system is stupid and dumb and stupid. Most of us study to get assigned a number between 1 and 5 in an exam, not to -- God forbid -- learn anything and nurture a passion for a subject. Many educational resources acknowledge and take advantage of this. If this feels wrong to you, it should! Spending large amounts of time in that mindset is pretty damaging. We should know; we've all taken our fair share of AP courses. Considering this, many of the resources we've compiled here downplay the "test prep" aspect of studying in favor of the "learning" aspect. It might not be any more fun, but at least you'll be studying on your own terms, which is more satisfying than you might think.

Most importantly, we wanted a site that was fun! Educational sites are all so serious and mature and corporate. Grr. We think ours is marginally better. We have a cat in the top left corner! Does KHAN ACADEMY have a cat? Huh? What are you waiting for? Go say hello! Click on him! Go!


--Update log--

April 25, 2023:

edited homepage to look more presentable

Feb 23, 2023:

added cat (!!!!)

Jan 30, 2023:

did some more crap

Jan 18, 2023:

updated layout

added graphics (background, gifs, etc.)

reglstered for and added cbox

Jan 16, 2023:

created account on neocites

did basic layout